Iowa PBS receives seven Upper Midwest Emmy® Award nominations

row of Emmy statues

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences — Upper Midwest Chapter today announced the 2024 Emmy® Award nominees. Iowa PBS received seven nominations.

Documentary — Topical Citizen Diplomacy

Magazine Program Iowa Life: Episode 108

Entertainment — Long Form Content Des Moines Metro Opera Presents Carmen

Diversity/Equity/Inclusion  — Short Form Content Iowa Life: Lantern Center

Public Service Announcement Brain Snacks

Talent — Program Host/Moderator Brooke Kohlsdorf — Road Trip Iowa

Photographer — Short or Long Form Content Kenny Knutson Composite — Western Skies Scenic Byway

The 2024 Upper Midwest Emmy® Awards Ceremony will take place in Prior Lake, Minnesota, on October 19. More information, including a full list of nominees, can be found at