Three photos from L-R: Field of Dreams movie site house, two people looking at a net with fish, the first college in Iowa red brick building

Take a Trip: Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway

In our final episode for season 1 of Road Trip Iowa, we explore northeast Iowa along the Delaware Crossing Scenic Byway. From Iowa's first state park to one of the state's first colleges, discover a multitude of treasures on and off this scenic byway.

Want to take this journey with us on your next road trip? Use Travel Iowa's itinerary tool to send yourself a fantastic route along this byway to experience most of our episode in person (please note that the itinerary tool doesn't always have every stop featured in our show so you may need to add a couple of stops along the way if you want the full experience).

Field of Dreams Movie Site

Pull off the byway to answer the call of this iconic baseball diamond and movie site.


Manchester Whitewater Park

Brave the rapids in downtown Manchester, where utility has transformed into recreation.


Baileys Ford Nature Center and Wildlife Exhibit

Explore this park's nature trails, woven within the water trails of the Maquoketa River.


Lenox College

One of Iowa's first colleges claims a distinguished list of impressive alumni.


Lake Delhi

What started as a utility lake is now a generator of lifelong memories for visitors.


Manchester Trout Hatchery

The Manchester Trout Hatchery adds nearly a million trout each year into Iowa's waterways.


Backbone State Park

Iowa's first state park sets the bar high for beautiful views of the Driftless Area.