Day Four: Iowa State Fair Photo Gallery
Sunday, Aug. 11 was a big day for our team at the Fair, covering nine stories for our nightly show and getting some fun shots of the weekend activities. From the Charros performance to Old-fashioned Hymns, we're wrapping up a lot of stories for the premiere of our first highlights show on Monday, Aug. 12 at 9 p.m. Check out photos from some of our shoots, plus atmospheric photos of the fun all around the Fair.
Attendees listened to and sang along to old-fashioned hymns both in and outside the First Church.
Weekend work is still fun when it's covering fun stories at the Fair.
Sunday crowd outside the Varied Industries Building enjoying ongoing beautiful weather that's driving record-breaking crowds.
Outdoor display at the Iowa State Fair - these chickens might be headed to the moon.
A first-Sunday only tradition, Monster Arm Wrestling has a long history at the Fair.
Capturing footage at the Charros performance Sunday morning.
Hailey, a calf born in July, is among some of the baby animals on display.
Little ones enjoying the SkyGlider that's celebrating its 50th birthday!
The weekend crowd enjoying one of the iconic rides at the Fair, the Giant Slide.
Old-fashioned Hymns was one of nine stories our producers were recording on the fourth day of the Iowa State Fair.
Crowds flocked to the food vendors throughout the Iowa State Fair.