Hey there, girls and boys. Abby Brown here with Iowa PBS. Come wander and wonder with me. My good friend Evelyn and I are celebrating Doctor Seuss with this amazing book. . .
Yertle the Turtle.
All right, Evelyn, we are going to explore the story Yertle the Turtle today.
And you've read that book before, right?
It's a great story, isn't it?
So, you know that there's a kingdom full of turtles in Yertle the Turtle, correct?
And I've already made a whole bunch of the citizens
of the island of Salamasond. Okay, but I need you to help me make the turtle that is Yertle. Does that sound good?
Okay, so what we're going to do is use just some paper plates, and some glue, and some paint and make it happen. Cool?
All right, let's start with a paper plate.
That can be the top shell.
And I'll make one, too. And here's my shell.
And we're going to paint them, right?
What color? I've got a few different colors of green here.
And I kept blue and yellow.
Because, what happens when you mix these together?
You get green, right. So what color do you want to use? What do you think?
This one.
You could use this. You could mix them.
Okay. Which one do you want to mix? You want to mix the two greens?
Okay. So let's make space right in front of you. And you can use this paintbrush.
And all I'm going to do is dump a little bit on top like that.
You want to put
a little blob of this one on?
Perfect. All right.
And then just go ahead and paint your whole shell.
All right. And now we need a shell for the bottom part of your turtle, Right?
Another the paper plate.
Okey-dokey. That one will do. And so will this one. Now, before you put the top on, we need to add some glue to glue it together. And before we add the glue, we need a couple of other body parts where our turtles don't we?
Right. Like the legs.
Yes. Like the legs. And what else?
And the Arms.
And the arms. And the. . .
You got it. So, what we’re going to do is add a small bead of glue
all the way around the outside
of your plate. Now find a place for your head and your fins. Yep. Go ahead. You can do your fins first. Oh I didn't give you a head. There you go. And the shape doesn't have to be perfect, does it?
Just a nice little, fin looking shape. Now take the paper plate that you painted.
The shell, right. And just stick it right on top.
And if you can squeeze it together. Sort of. Yeah. Right around the edges. And this kind of glue doesn't take very long to dry, does it?
All right, Evelyn. So you made a turtle, and we're calling this one who?
The turtle. The king. Right.
Of all the turtles
In the empire. Right. So let's for a second,
imagine that the rest of these turtles, because they're in Yertle the turtle’s pond or empire. Right. But let's pretend the empire for today is our empire.
Like maybe our neighborhood or our school. Could be your family.
Does that sound okay?
And now, imagine that each of these other turtles are somebody in our empire or our neighborhood.
What type of people do we have in our neighborhood, and what is the best quality about them?
Can you think of somebody in our neighborhood, and what's something about them that makes them so awesome?
How about Kate?
Okay. What's a quality about Kate that is so awesome?
Kate is funny, and nice and all sorts of stuff.
Yeah. Funny and nice are two great qualities to have in a kingdom or a neighborhood. Right.
So, will you write funny and nice on the back of one of our turtles?
All right.
Honest. Includer. Smart. Adventurer.
Funny and nice. Leader.
Stands up for people.
This sounds like a fantastic kingdom. Right.
One that surely Yertle the turtle would be proud of, wouldn't he?
Now Yertle the turtle. How does Yertle the turtle know who he is the ruler of?
Do you remember from the story
He knows who he is the ruler of because he sees them.
Yes. So as far as he can see, he is the ruler. Now, if he's way down here, he might be able to see a couple people. But what was his bright idea? So he could see further and rule farther?
You got it.
He stacked up all of his turtles as high and they'll go.
You can even use this one. And now he's the ruler of all that he can see.
But do you remember this turtle on the bottom name?
Mack. And what is Mack feeling right now?
Ache. An ache in his back.
He has an ache in his back. And how do you think his feelings feel?
Sad and hurt. I would too if I was way at the bottom, wouldn't you?
So if Yertle the turtle is way up here, and Mack is way down here and his back is hurting and his feelings are hurt. What do you think Yertle the turtle should do?
Get off.
He should get off. Right. Let's take them back down.
And now we have
turtles who are. . .
Uh-huh. And.
Stand up for people. Leader. Funny and nice. Adventurer. And smart.
And now we have turtles who we can embrace all of their wonderful qualities like: funny and nice and. . .
And honest and. . .
Stands up for people.
And an adventurer and. . .
And a leader. And now Yertle the turtle doesn't just have to rule over everybody.
He gets to be part of this amazing group of other turtles.
Evelyn and I celebrated Doctor Seuss today.
We made a Yertle the turtle, with some paper plates and some paint. We also learned about friendship and. . .
What adventures will you go on?
Have fun with it!