Make Everywhere a Learning Opportunity
It is understandable that parents of young children are busier than ever, juggling schedules, appointments, errands and ‘duties as assigned.’ We at Iowa PBS know the most practical way for many caregivers to create learning opportunities may not be multi-step activities with parts to print or purchase. Rather, we considered 13 common activities you may do with your child and thought of ways you can transform these everyday experiences into easy learning opportunities. Pick one or two to try each week, and before you know it you will be recognizing more ways to build on children’s natural curiosity.
You may have guessed, there is an app for that! Check out PBS KIDS Play & Learn, a free, bi-lingual app designed specifically for parents. PBS Parents Play & Learn provides more than a dozen games parents can play with their kids, each themed around a familiar location to capture those daily teachable moments.