Yankee Doodle Pops fireworks

What to Watch: 4th of July Programming

Are you feeling festive for the Fourth of July? Here is what you can watch or stream if you don’t feel like heading down to your town’s festivities or fireworks show.

Programs On Air

Tune in to live coverage of The Des Moines Symphony’s Yankee Doodle Pops. This popular and patriotic musical event will once again take place on the front lawn of the Iowa Capitol and attracts over 100,000 attendees each year.

Watch The Des Moines Symphony’s Yankee Doodle Pops live on air Monday, July 3 at 8:30 p.m. We will re-air the live broadcast on Tuesday, July 4 at 8:30 p.m. Please note that due to music rights, this program will not be available on demand. 

A Capitol Fourth 2023, America’s National Independence Day celebration, honors our country’s birthday with an all-star salute. For over 40 years, this television event brings the best in American entertainment together to help set the tone for a spectacular American birthday party.

Tune in to A Capitol Fourth 2023 on Tuesday, July 4 at 7 p.m. or stream via the PBS App afterward. 

Combining aerial and scenic 4K footage shot at national parks, historic sites and hometown locales, From Sea to Shining Sea is a stunning visual portrait set to stirring music and a diverse collection of poetry meant to inspire viewers of all ages.

From Sea to Shining Sea airs on Tuesday, July 4 at 10 p.m. and is available to members with Passport on demand. 


Stream Now

If you’re looking for other programs celebrating American history, you can stream the programs below via the PBS App. 

A legendary battleship built to defend America during WWII, the USS Iowa has lived many lives throughout its existence. This symbol of naval power is intertwined with the stories of those who served through campaigns of triumph and tragedy.

Stream USS: Iowa.

Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts examines the profound and often-contradictory roles played by Buffalo Soldiers in U.S. history, and how they fought on two sets of front lines: military conflicts abroad and civil rights struggles at home.

Stream Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts.

A widely respected political leader of the 1970s and early 1980s, Robert Ray is known for an even-handed approach to governing Iowa. His lasting legacy of welcoming refugees from communist-led countries in east Asia during the late ’70s forever changed the cultural fabric of Iowa. Ray’s legacy would last generations and emphasize civility and moderation in government, politics and everyday life.

Stream Governors of Iowa: Robert D. Ray.

One hundred years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, The Vote tells the dramatic culmination story of the hard-fought campaign waged by American women for the right to vote, a transformative cultural and political movement that resulted in the largest expansion of voting rights in U.S. history.

Stream American Experience: The Vote Part 1.

Watch the compelling story of Iowa suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt, who devoted most of her life to the expansion of women’s rights nationwide and around the world, and is recognized as one of the key leaders of the American women’s suffrage movement. 

Stream Carrie Chapman Catt: Warrior for Women