Nearly all of Iowa's caves are found in eastern Iowa, which has a much different geologic makeup than the rolling hills of western Iowa. Limestone is particularly present in the eastern part of the state, playing a significant role in the formation of caves.

Creation of the Maquoketa Caves
Learn all about the Maquoketa Caves and how they were formed in this video from FIND Iowa.
Look Around
Let’s take a closer look at three of the caves in Maquoketa Caves State Park.

Dancehall Cave
Check out the inside of Dancehall Cave at Maquoketa Caves State Park.
You can find flowstones in Dancehall Cave at Maquoketa State Park. Let’s take a virtual look at one up close.

Created from deposits of calcite or other minerals, flowstones are formed when water flows down the walls or along the floors of a cave.