Gonchigar Family Music Performances

Culture | FIND Iowa
Mar 29, 2025 | 05:21

How is Indian music similar and different than other music and dance you've experienced before?

Anmol and Akul have learned about traditional instruments and playing styles from a young age. 


(Akul and Anmol Gonchigar sit cross legged on stage in front of a blue curtain. Akul is wearing a traditional Achkan coat in golden yellow with dark red pants and is holding a mridangam drum from India in his lap. It is a long, two-headed drum wrapped in an orange, silk fabric. Anmol is wearing a traditional Achkan coat in hunter green with white pants. He is holding an Indian violin.)

(traditional Indian instrumental music)

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(text on screen Find Iowa, The Coons Foundation, Pella, Gilchrist Foundation)

(text on screen Iowa PBS Education)