Hosts give advice and explore Iowa environmental techniques.
Hosts give garden advice and explore novelty plants across Iowa landscape.
Hosts give garden advice and explore Iowa arboretum and specialty farms.
Host Aaron Steil is joined by Cindy Haynes to share tips for growing tomatoes, learn about the wide range of perennials that can be grown in Iowa and explore the variety of tiny houseplants that fit almost anywhere.
Many shade gardens primarily consist of varieties of hostas, but not all! Visit two very different styles of shade gardens and learn how to make a mixed container that is the perfect companion to your shade garden display.
Venture into the woods to learn best practices on a morel mushroom hunt. Learn about fairy gardens and how to create one of your own and tour an art display of larger-than-life frogs.
Join Cindy Haynes as she designs a cutting garden and makes flower arrangements, follow volunteers from Plant a Row for the Hungry, learn why containers can be a good option for growing vegetables, and meet a young vegetable gardening aficionado.
Learn about succulents and air plants from industry expert, Josh Spece. Plus, create your own indoor planting, discover how to promote pollinators in your backyard and meet a volunteer from the Iowa Butterfly Survey Network.
Cutting gardens, succulents and airplants are on trend in the gardening world. Learn about growing and arranging several varieties.
Gardening Tips
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Woody weeds can be especially problematic to remove.
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When to take your plants outside during the warm months.
Digital ShortSeason2Episode206
Check out these gardening tips on staying on top of your weeding so you don't get overwhelmed.
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It's easy to grow leafy greens, even for novice gardeners.
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Learn what to do once your spring blooming flowers, like tulips and daffodils, have lost their blooms.
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How to prune different types of shrubs for shaping or maximizing the health of your plant.
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Tips for planting perennials for maximum success, including finding the right location and care tips for after planting.
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Caring for your houseplants over the winter looks a little different than it does over the summer.
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Peonies are beautiful - and smell amazing. But what do you do if they just won't bloom?
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Not all mulches are created equal. Aaron Steil talks about the benefits and drawbacks of different mulches.
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Ideas for experimenting to make fantastic combinations when creating mixed plant containers.
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Tips on how to grow vegetables in a limited space.
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Not all mulches are created equal. Learn how to minimize the need to weed your garden.
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Fix those unpleasant lawn patches that are popping up in your otherwise manicured grass.
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Tips to get you started with your new vegetable garden.
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Tips for picking out some new plants at your local nursery.
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Get tips on how to take care of a favorite spring flower - the daffodil.
Digital ShortSeason1Episode101
Get tips on how to divide your plants this spring to keep them from being lopsided.

About the Show
Host Aaron Steil shares current trends and tips for successful gardening.