Duck Eggs in a Sourdough Basket

Duck Eggs in a Sourdough Basket


4 slices sourdough bread
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. butter
4 duck eggs
1/2 cup aged white cheddar, grated
2 oz. frissee or other chicory type green
1/2 cup tomato jam


Cut holes in the bread slices using 2 1/2 inch round or oval cutter. Reserve the cut out portion. Heat the oil on a stove top griddle and lay the bread slices on it along with the cut out portions. Add the butter, some in the holes, and some near the cut outs. Crack a duck egg in each hole and fry a minute on the first side until the egg adheres to the bread and sets on the bottom. Flip the bread and eggs together. Flip the cut outs too. Top the bread and eggs with the cheddar and continue frying placing a domed lid over each to melt the cheese.

Serve the egg baskets and cut outs atop the greens with Tomato Jam.