Pan Seared Sea Bass with Strawberry Jicama Salad
This savory dish is enhanced with the mild sweetness of strawberries.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Bring pan to medium-high heat. Coat pan with extra virgin olive oil. Season bass fillet with salt and pepper. Add to pan and cook until there is a nice, crisp crust.
Once one side of fish is seared, take fish off of the stove and place in oven. Bake for for 3-5 minutes.
While fish is cooking, remove the skin of the jícama. Slice jícama, then juliane into thin long strips. Place jícama in a bowl. Add chopped strawberries, mandarin oranges with juice, cilantro, and juice from half of a lime. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix ingredients.
Remove sea bass from oven. Turn fish over to sear other side.
Spoon desired amount of jícama salad onto center of plate. Place fish on salad. Zest lime on top of dish. Garnish with cilantro.
Serve and enjoy!