Iowa Press


Gubernatorial Debates

Las candidatas, Deidre DeJear (D - Des Moines), aspirante a la gobernación de Iowa y Kim Reynolds (R - Des Moines), actual gobernadora del estado, responden preguntas de los reporteros y hablan acerca de sus plataformas, inquietudes y planes para el futuro.
Challenger Deidre DeJear (D - Des Moines) and incumbent Governor Kim Reynolds (R - Des Moines) answer questions from reporters and discuss their platforms, concerns and plans for Iowa’s future.

U.S. Senate Debates

U.S. Congressional Debates

Candidates Christina Bohannan (D - Iowa City) and U.S. Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R - Davenport) answer questions from reporters and discuss their platforms, concerns and future plans.
Iowa PBS will hold an Iowa Press debate for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race on Monday, October 14 at 8 p.m. at the Iowa PBS studios in Johnston, Iowa.
Candidates State Representative Christina Bohannan (D – Iowa City) and U.S. Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R – Ottumwa) answer questions from reporters and discuss their platforms, concerns and future plans.
Las candidatas, Christina Bohannan (D - Iowa City), representante en la cámara estatal de Iowa y la actual representante por Iowa en la Cámara Baja de los EE.UU., Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R - Ottumwa), responden preguntas de los reporteros y hablan acerca de sus plataformas, inquietudes y planes para el futuro.

Iowa Press Debates

2024 General election candidates for political office may be invited to participate in an Iowa PBS debate or forum.

Iowa Capitol building

About the Show

Since its inaugural broadcast in 1971, Iowa Press has engaged the best local journalists to interview experts, political and other newsworthy figures while exploring issues of state and national interest. Each week, Iowa Press invites newsmakers, policy makers and elected officials to join Capitol reporters in a weekly discussion.

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