WOTUS rule gets another look from EPA
WOTUS rule gets another look from EPA among sweeping changes.
EPA administrator Lee Zeldin, as part of making what he called the largest series of deregulatory moves in the history of the United States, opened the door to revising the controversial Waters of the United States rule.
Administrator Lee Zeldin, EPA: ”Our goal in going through this process is not to be an activist in going through a procedure, this is simply to follow the rule of law. “
EPA officials will start their review by getting input from stakeholders that include many who Zeldin says were sidelined during the Biden administration. Zeldin is directing his team to put a focus on clarity, simplicity and improvements that will stand the test of time.
The WOTUS rule was finalized in 2015 at the end of the Obama administration. Of the legal attempts to further define the rule, one case, Sacket vs. the EPA, ended up in front of the Supreme Court. In the 2023 high court ruling, the ability of the EPA to enforce certain parts of the 1972 Clean Water Act was greatly reduced.
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the American Farm Bureau Federation came out in support of the review and restructuring effort.
Listening sessions are planned over the next few months.
For Market to Market, I’m David Miller.