Season 10
On this Halloween special episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll get creative in the kitchen with our own spooky recipes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit an urban Des Moines garden to learn the best ways to grow and maintain dill.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll learn more about pork as chef Dean Lutrell serves up some savory and delicious recipes using this Iowa mainstay.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll learn about collard greens, a flavorful and nutritious staple in many southern kitchens.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we'll visit Milton Creamery to learn how they produce their world-renowned cheddar cheese and chef David Baruthio will bring his expertise as he cooks with this flavorful cheese.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll learn more about turkey as we visit Lucky Star Farm in eastern Iowa.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll head to northeast Iowa to learn more about cantaloupe.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit an urban vegetable grower to learn some of the best tips on how to cultivate lettuce.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit a farm in eastern Iowa to learn the ins and outs of growing this vegetable, then chef David Baruthio will put a fun spin on the leafy green.
Season 9
On this special episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll open Iowa's history book and read a couple of chapters about our diverse culinary heritage.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we head to Waterloo, Iowa where Hoffman Produce Farms lets people pick their own okra, and Des Moines-area chef Lynn Pritchard will bring out the unique flavors of okra.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we meet a pear grower from Jefferson and do some unique things with pears in the kitchen.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we see how asparagus stands out as a tasty vegetable and prepare mouthwatering asparagus dishes in our studio kitchen.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we go to Panora to visit Early Morning Harvest, a family-owned flour mill, and Chef Dean Luttrell gives us a taste of his Italian heritage as he shows off the flexibility of flour.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we learn the ins and outs of growing leeks, and we bring the flavor of leeks to life in our studio kitchen.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we learn about Iowa trout from a supplier in Bellevue, and Chef Suman Hoque visits our studio kitchen to demonstrate some tasty ways to prepare the fish.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, basil feels right at home in a scenic northeastern Iowa setting, and Chef Matt Steigerwald inspires us as he cooks delicious recipes with basil in our studio kitchen.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we find out how oats are grown and processed in Iowa and meet a resourceful farmer who makes it his way of life.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we celebrate the holidays by going gourmet with a French master chef and inspiration from Julia Child.
Season 8
On this Iowa Ingredient we'll learn about the nutrition-packed black beans and satisfy our sweet tooth with a black bean brownie recipe and a chocolate stroll.
Tart cherries have a short picking season here in Iowa. At Allen’s Orchard in Marion, Iowa, the orchards are packed as folks harvest cherries before the picking window closes.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll look at local production of fresh tofu and prepare innovate recipes using this protein-rich food.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll visit Sundog Farm, where they grow several varieties of cauliflower, and we'll use this versatile vegetable in the kitchen to make cauliflower risotto.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll look at growing cool weather thriving kohlrabi and make creative recipes with this memorable ingredient.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll check out a farmstead that uses sheep's milk to create feta cheese, and we'll use this creamy ingredient to make worldly flavors.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, Koenig’s Acres Farm shows us how to cultivate our own crop of fresh ginger, and we create savory and sweet recipe options using the ingredient.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we'll visit the Rhizosphere farm, where sugar snap peas are the go-to crop for fresh spring flavor, and we'll kick the flavor up a notch with clever recipes like pea pesto.
Celebrate the holidays with a special Iowa Ingredient brunch episode.
Season 7
On this special episode of Iowa Ingredient, we’re going to hang up our aprons and leave the kitchen behind as we hit the road to visit some incredible places in Iowa.
On this special episode of Iowa Ingredient, we’ll celebrate the fresh flavors of farmers markets.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit Good Eetens Produce Farm to learn the ins and outs of growing green beans, along with sharing some brilliant ways to cook with this legume.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Wildwoods farm to learn how one farmer grows onions, and we create a few entertaining options using this flavorful vegetable.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit a historic family orchard to see what it takes to grow peaches in Iowa, and we share a few innovative recipes using this fuzzy fruit.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Blue Gate Farm to learn about growing cucumbers, and we share a few unique recipes using this refreshingly tasty food.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit eastern Iowa to see how one farmer harvests barley, and we share a few hearty recipes using this beautiful grain.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Morning Glory Farm to learn some secrets to growing cabbage, and we put a creative twist on some recipes using cabbage.
On this Iowa Ingredient host Charity Nebbe invites her family to the studio to cook their favorite Thanksgiving recipes.
Season 6
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit a family who enjoys growing sweet corn together, and we put a twist on traditional sweet corn recipes in our studio kitchen.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we bring together some of our favorite chefs to create scrumptious smoothies.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Middle Way Farm where they grow sweet potatoes, and we create unforgettable recipes with this root vegetable.
On this Iowa Ingredient we learn zucchini growing tips and showcase the vegetable's versatility in a variety of recipes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit Genuine Faux Farm in Tripoli where they raise duck, and Chef Tom Skold takes the mystery out of cooking with this poultry when he prepares a couple of divine duck dishes.
On this episode we learn how Northern Ridge Berry Farm keeps freshly picked broccoli in the hands of eager consumers, and we create a couple of gorgeous dishes with broccoli as the main ingredient.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we highlight blackberries in all of their juicy goodness with the hardworking folks at Berry Fresh Farms.
On this Iowa Ingredient, the Des Moines Bacon Company showcases bacon at its best, and we pair bacon with potatoes in a mouthwatering recipe sure to be viewers’ new favorite.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll learn how arugula can handle growing among the weeds, and how it’s unique shape and flavor can add delicious layers to salads and other dishes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we explore how plums are grown and cooked with in the state.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit Butters Bees in Burlington to check out the life of a beekeeper keeping pace with his busy bees.
Season 5
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit One Farm where Danelle Myer grows a variety of fresh produce and vegetables, including potatoes, and we share a few creative recipes showing what’s possible with potatoes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Bloomin’ Wooly Acres to learn what’s involved in growing Brussels sprouts, and we explore unique ways to cook with this leaf vegetable.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we visit Hawkeye Buffalo Ranch outside of Fredericksburg, and we spend time in the kitchen cooking with bison.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we learn more about the fascinating tomatillo when we visit Muddy Miss Farms, and Chef Jim Vido stops by to share some of his recipes using this Mexican native.
On this Iowa Ingredient, learn about growing and cooking with aronia berries.
On this Iowa Ingredient, learn more about Iowa maple syrup when we visit Great River Maple in Garnavillo and discover innovative ways to cook with this sweetener.
Celebrate the holidays with friends and family on a special episode of Iowa Ingredient.
Season 4
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Hazel Acres outside of Fenton to learn what's hidden inside the hazelnut, and we learn how to include this nut in some tasty dishes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Edge of the Woods Raspberry Farm and share secrets to cooking with this bright fruit.
On this Iowa Ingredient, get the scoop on watermelon and other Iowa-grown melons.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we learn more about goat cheese and peek in on some lucky goats living a charmed life in the Loess Hills at Honey Creek Creamery.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we’ll visit a ranch in Northwest Iowa, where Beth Cathcart raises her cattle with the greatest care and respect .
On this Iowa Ingredient, we explore the varied world of mushrooms, visiting Mushroom Mills and serving up some unexpected ways to cook with this flavorful fungus.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit a family farm outside of Dike to learn more about kale’s superstar status, and we share some innovative ways to cook with this leafy green.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we learn more about the carrot from Iowa’s own “Carrot King,” and we create some sweet and savory dishes using carrots.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we visit a farm outside of Grinnell to learn about heirloom varieties of tomatoes, and Chef David Baruthio brings an explosion of creativity in with some mouthwatering recipes.
Season 3
On this special episode of Iowa Ingredient, host Charity Nebbe hits the Iowa State Fairgrounds to take a closer look at our culinary affair with the Fair.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Newton to sample the creamy texture and rich flavor of Maytag Blue Cheese, and Chef Daniel Knowles shares his secret to cooking with this flavorful food.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit a farm northwest of Cumming and learn the art of roasting chile peppers, and Chef Lisa LaValle delights our tastebuds with a roasted pepper dish.
On this episode of Iowa Ingredient, we explore what it takes to raise chickens to get that perfect egg.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit an Iowa tree farmer who sells his walnuts all over the eastern part of the state, and Chef Michael Baily shares his secret to making a savory walnut dish.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Table Top Farm where they grow beets, and Chef Katy Meyer brings new flavors to life by adding a fresh twist to this vitamin-packed root.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit a pick your own berry patch, and Chef Andy Bonnet serves up a new take on a classic strawberry dish.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we learn about finding fresh, local ingredients, even in the winter, and we get inspired with holiday pies and Iowa-grown decorations.
Season 2
On this Iowa Ingredient, we tour the Red Fern Farm, and Chef Jason Simon shares a twist on a traditional chestnut recipe.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we find out how eggplant is grown at a Boone farm, and Chef Nate Jiroutek creates some delectable dishes.
On this Iowa Ingredient we journey to Rolling Hills Greenhouse, and Chef Mattias Kriemelmeyer shows us how herbs help add complexity to the aroma and taste of almost every dish.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we discover the history and hard work involved in growing apples at an orchard in Council Bluffs, and Chef Katie Routh shares some sweet recipes using Iowa apples.
Season 1
On this Iowa Ingredient we learn how blueberries are grown and used in Iowa, all while sampling some delicious blueberry treats.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Annie's Gardens and Greens and learn how easy it is to grow spinach in Iowa, while Chef Blake Landau serves up a couple of delightful spinach dishes.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit the Wildlife Lakes Elk Farm, and Chef James Adrian shares a savory recipe using the meat.
On this Iowa Ingredient, we visit Frisian Farms and discover the work involved to make Gouda cheese in the Dutch tradition.

About the Show
Explore the farms, restaurants, and ingredients that make Iowa food uniquely Iowan. Host Charity Nebbe takes viewers on a journey to discover flavorful Iowa ingredients. From apples to spinach to rhubarb and herbs, each episode features a single Iowa ingredient and treats viewers to a spectacular trip from the farm to the table. Explore where these delectable ingredients are grown in Iowa, learn more about some talented chefs who use local ingredients, and join Charity in the kitchen to savor some delicious recipes.